St. Pius X Life

Special Events & News

St. Pius X offers many opportunities for parents to be involved in their child’s education. Parents are invited to aid the classroom teacher, assist with hot lunch, help in the library, supervise during recess times, accompany children on field trips, and participate in various school activities.


Parents are always welcome at our monthly Masses and invited to many activities during the school year, some of which include:

Please note that events and calendar days are subject to change as per the progression of the current COVID-19 situation,


September: Back to School Barbeque, Curriculum Overview Night
October: Thanksgiving Day Celebration
November: All Saints’ Day Parade, Remembrance Day Celebration, Parent/Teacher Conferences, Craft Fair
December: Advent Assembly, Christmas Concert
January: Primary Speech Arts Festival
February: Grandparents Mass, Shrove Tuesday, Variety Show
March: Lenten Paraliturgies, Carnaval de Quebec, Stations of the Cross
April: Holy Thursday Passion Play, Intermediate Speech Arts
May: Kindergarten Orientation, Appreciation Tea and Living Rosary, Choral Concert, Band Concert, Spring Social, Spring Fair
June : Sports Day, Graduation, Year-End Assembly


3rd School Begins (8:50am – 11:00 am)

5th Grade 7 Meet the Teacher/Curriculum Night 7:00 pm (Grade 7 parents only)

9th Run-a-Thon Pledge forms out

10th Kindergarten Families Potluck and Play 5:30 p.m.

11th Meet the Teacher/Curriculum Night 7:00 p.m. (all families)

11-13th Grade 7 Outdoor Education

18th Noon Dismissal Day

20th First School Mass

20th Back to School BBQ 5:30 pm

23-27th Run-a-Thon

30th Truth and Reconciliation Day-School Closed

*Please note that the above dates are subject to change.

2nd CISVA Cross Country Championships

4th Individual Photos and Class Photo Day

11th School Mass 

14th Thanksgiving: School Closed

15th Run-a-Thon Pledges Due

16th Noon Dismissal Day

25th Professional Day: School Closed

*Please note that the above dates are subject to change.

1st All Saints Day Celebration

7th Remembrance Day Assembly

8th Professional Day: No School 

11th Observance of Remembrance Day: School Closed

15th Individual Photo Retakes

18-21st and 24th Book Fair

24th Christmas Craft Fair

22nd Professional Day: No School

25-29th Intermediate Speech Arts

28th CSL Updates Sent Home

*Please note that the above dates are subject to change.

6th Parent Teacher Conferences (8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.)

9th School Mass

12th Christmas Concert (1:00 p.m. & 7:00 p.m.)

13th PJ Day

20th School Closes for Christmas: Noon Dismissal

23-Jan 3rd Christmas Break: School Closed

*Please note that the above dates are subject to change.

6th School Reopens 8:50 a.m.

10th School Mass

15th Open House at SPX 9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.

17th Professional Day: School Closed

20-24th Primary Speech Arts

23rd Ready, Set, Learn: New K Families (invitation only)

*Please note that the above dates are subject to change.


7th  School Mass 

12th Noon Dismissal Day

13-14th Catholic Educators Conference: School Closed

17th Family Day: School Closed

26th Pink Day

26th AGM 7:00 p.m. (Mandatory Attendance)

28th Variety Show 1:00 pm

*Please note that the above dates are subject to change.

1st Spring Social Fundraiser

4th Shrove Tuesday

5th Ash Wednesday

7th Grandparents Mass

12th CSL Updates Sent Home

14th Carnaval: Noon Dismissal

17-28th Spring Break: School Closed

31st School Reopens 8:50 a.m.

*Please note that the above dates are subject to change.

11th Student Led Conferences 8:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m. 

17th Holy Thursday: Noon Dismissal

18th Good Friday-School Closed

20th Easter Sunday

21st Easter Monday-School Closed

*Please note that the above dates are subject to change.

2nd School Mass 

4th First Holy Communion

24th Spring Fair

16th Professional Day: No School

19th Victoria Day: School Closed

23rd Living Rosary & Volunteer Tea

24th Spring Fair

28th CISVA Track & Field Championships Day 1

*Please note that the above dates are subject to change.

4th CISVA Track & Field Championships Day 2

5th Performing Arts Evening 7:00 p.m.

6th Professional Day: School Closed

13th Sports Day: Noon Dismissal 

20th Looking Ahead Day

20th Graduation Mass & Reception (Noon Dismissal)

26th Last Day of School: Noon Dismissal, CSL Summative Reports go home

*Please note that the above dates are subject to change.Per

Parents of St. Pius X

Part of what makes the learning environment at St. Pius so unique is how parents can become involved and volunteer in their child’s classroom. Working together, parents and teachers create an environment of safety, respect, and mutual trust so that each child can attain their full potential – spiritually, academically, and physically.

If being involved in your child’s education appeals to you, there are lots of opportunities as a St. Pius parent! You are invited to assist with and read in your child’s classroom, assist with hot lunches, help in the library, supervise during recess times, accompany children on field trips, and participate in our school activities. Parents are also invited to join the Parent Standing Committee to deepen their relationship with our community and take a more active role in contributing to the wonderful sense of belonging our school has become known for.

Parents whose children are returning to St. Pius X are to attend a mandatory Annual General Meeting held in February in the school gym at which time the re-registration packages are distributed for the upcoming school year.

Kindergarten and prospective new parents for all grades are asked to contact the school office for further information. If you wish to add your child to our waitlist please fill out the Preliminary Application Form. All documents indicated on the form (Baptismal certificate) and a $25 non-refundable application fee, payable cash or cheque are to be submitted to the school office.  (Office hours 8:15 am -4:00 pm)

Click here for a virtual tour of our school.

*At this time we do not accept International Students.

Preliminary Application Form

Please notify the school by 9am if your child will be absent that day.

    will be absent from school today


    For a comprehensive overview of our school’s policies, please download our parent manual for more information.


    The Parent Standing Committee (P.S.C.) is a committee composed of parents, welcomed by the pastor, the education committee and the school principal, who are capable, willing and available to serve in an auxiliary capacity to the school.

    The P.S.C. provides a variety of opportunities for parents to further develop a partnership with the school community, to meet other parents, and to share in the responsibility for our cocurricular, extracurricular and social functions for success. Meetings are held once a month on Wednesday.

    The committee is responsible for, among other things:

    • the scheduling of yard duty and work activity volunteers;
    • the recruitment and scheduling of concessionaires for sports tournaments, as well as the purchase of supplies;
    • organizing the school’s social functions;
    • assisting with fundraising activities;
    • operation of the lost and found; and
    • the annual celebrations of First Holy Communion, Reconciliation, Confirmation and Graduation.


    St. Pius X School is fortunate not to have mandatory volunteer hours as so many other schools have. It is due to the commitment of the many parents who share their time, talents and resources that this legacy continues.


    One of the wonderful benefits the kids and us as parents enjoyed about our years from St. Pius X is the sense of community. All the teachers get to know your child whether they are in their grade or not. Through the encouragement from faculty and staff, both my kids got involved in all extracurricular activities and explored a variety of interests to see if they wanted to continue them later in high school.

    We will always look back at those years with such fond memories and great experiences. Absolutely no regrets in that I chose SPX for my kids and my family!

    -Lisa Cratchley



    Our Hot Lunch program is available to students in grades K-7. A variety of healthy alternatives are offered from our suppliers.

    First-time users

    Step 1: Register family account (easy, 30 seconds). Click Here to register.

    First-time users must create an account. After registering, you will be taken to the My Children page to add children to your family account.

    Step 2: Order Lunch!

    Click Order Lunch!, select your child’s name, and press the “next” button. You will be shown the available menus (just click “next”). Select lunch items from the menu options for each lunch day (note: if you wish to skip a day, just click “next menu” without adding any food items). At the end of ordering, you can “select another child” and repeat the steps for each of your children.

    Step 3: Payment

    Send your total payment in the form of a cheque made out to St. Pius X Fundraising.

    Please note your order number on the cheque.

    Step 4: Volunteer

    If you’re interested in helping out at one or more of the lunch days please contact school office.

    You can log in to your account at anytime here.

    If you have ordered through “Munch-a-lunch” in the past, please ensure your child’s grade is updated.

    Simply click Account Balance to view your child’s orders, reprint your receipt, or view any outstanding balance.


    Students attending St. Pius X Elementary School are expected and required to wear the school uniform to school, while at school and when going home from school each day. Cleanliness and proper dress are important in setting the pattern of school and social conduct, thereby fostering an environment conducive to learning and respectful behaviour. School uniforms are provided by our uniform supplier, Cambridge and Company, and are to be purchased at the store or through used uniform sales conducted periodically at the school. Non-uniform days are held monthly throughout the school year, usually as fundraisers for various charities. Girls and boys can wear an optional Spring uniform in the months from May to October.

    Dark green v-neck St. Pius X sweater

    White oxford cloth monogrammed shirt

    St. Pius X plaid kilt

    Navy blue knee high socks

    Black dress shoes

    St. Pius X Grey Polo Shirt with monogram

    St. Pius Blue Skort

    Blue Socks

    Black Shoes

    Dark green v-neck St. Pius X sweater

    White oxford cloth monogrammed shirt

    Navy blue dress pants

    Navy blue dress socks

    Black dress shoes

    St. Pius X Grey Polo Shirt with monogram

    St. Pius Blue Short

    Blue Socks

    Black Shoes

    Grey St. Pius X t-shirt

    Navy blue St. Pius X shorts

    White athletic sport socks

    Running shoes (non-marking soles)

    Black Duffle St. Pius X gym bag

    Cambridge and Company

    #112-2455 Dollarton Hwy, North Vancouver, BC 604.924.906